Yoga & Your Training: Tips for Runners

So how does yoga make you a better runner? Yoga allows our sport to be sustainable so we can keep getting to that starting line over and over again. As Bill Rogers states,

“To be a consistent winner means preparing not just for one day, one month or even one year, but for a lifetime.” 


Yoga is that preparation. It makes us stronger. It makes us more flexible. It makes us more aware of our bodies imbalances. It brings mental toughness to our sport.

Ready, set, do yoga! What’s holding you back from integrating yoga into your training plan? Afraid to start? Here’s some tips to get you started:

How to Approach Your Yoga:

Let go of the Ego. 

  • You’re not in competition so don’t treat it like one.
  • Don’t worry what your fellow yogi is doing. Keep your eyes on your on mat and be patient with yourself.
  • Like in running, when we don’t listen to our body and let our ego run the show, that’s when we get hurt.

Do not harm. 

  • If you experience pain stop.
  • Start off slowly and gradually pick up the pace of your practice just like you would do with your running.
  • They call it a practice for a reason. It takes time, energy and patience. Be honest with yourself.
  • Know how you’re showing up on your mat—energetically and physically
  • Be aware of your experience level and how your body is feeling.


  • If you’re not breathing, it means you’re going to far.
  • Make sure to keep a smooth rhythmic breath throughout your practice. This will be challenging at first but will come naturally with time and will help you with your running.

Use Props.

  • Props have a bad reputation for only being for those new to yoga but props are essential in allowing you to go deeper into poses.
  • Let the props support your practice.

Have Fun! 

  • Allow yourself to be playful and enjoy the movement.
  • The more fun you have, the more you will get out of the practice.

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Categories: Yoga for Runners